Posted by: Josh Lehner | December 7, 2016

Will There Be Enough Jobs?

A common question that comes up regularly during presentations is something along the lines of, “Will there be enough jobs in the future?” There’s not doubt that artificial intelligence and software are and will continue to impact the economy and employment. However, our office’s position and forecast for the next decade is that yes, there will be enough jobs in Oregon*. That said, longer run impacts such as job polarization and the like will continue to shift the nature of work, but there will be jobs. One reason why is retirements. Mark and I both tend to end presentations with our office’s big picture, long-run trend for job growth in Oregon. The most recent version looks like this.


We talk a lot about how growth has changed over the past 50 years and the impact of demographics. During the 1960s and 1970s labor force participation was rising as women and minorities entered the labor market in greater numbers than before. Additionally the Baby Boomers were entering their prime working years in the 1970s and 1980s. These demographic and societal tailwinds boosted growth. However over the ensuing decades these tailwinds played out. And now we’re talking about demographic drags as the Baby Boomers retire.

We feel strongly that near-term growth is likely to slow as the economy approaches full employment and we also feel strongly that the longer-term growth will be slower than we have become accustomed to historically. Our biggest forecast uncertainty is that transition period between today and 2020 or so.

However back to the longer-run look. We are forecasting net job growth rates of a little less than 1% annually from 2021-2026 (0.8% to be exact). This is slower than anything we have ever seen post World War II. However a lot of this has to do with demographics and retirements. For every retiring Baby Boomer, a firm has to hire 2 workers to see positive job growth. The first worker simply replaces the retiree, while the second represents net job growth. So while the topline, or total job growth numbers are subdued, it really masks the generational churn taking place under the water. Thus the total number of available jobs in the coming decade really is larger than the graph appears to show.

Lastly, it should be pointed out that these aren’t just any old workers that are retiring. They represent workers with a lifetime of experience and institutional knowledge for their industries and firms. Such workers cannot instantaneously be replaced. It creates challenges for businesses to adjust and adapt.

To summarize, I think our friends at Employment, Nick Beleiciks and Gail Krumenauer, wrote it best when talking about their occupational projections:

Opportunities will be created for younger workers as employers promote to replace retirees. It is likely that workers will be promoted more quickly than in the past and employers will have to work harder when hiring and training new workers, in order to replace the experience and institutional knowledge they’re losing to retirement.

This post is a preface to some work coming tomorrow that dives into the number of retiring Oregonians based on our office’s economic and demographic forecasts.

* That said, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue to think about and plan for a future where employment may be considerably lower due to these impacts. They are likely to have a bigger impact in the future than they have historically, based on a lot of the current research. However these impacts are not likely to be next year or the year after, but a longer-run impact beyond our forecast horizon.


  1. Great article, Josh! Thank you for pointing out the ‘generational churn under the water’. Very insightful.

  2. […] Source: Will There Be Enough Jobs? | Oregon Office of Economic Analysis […]

  3. […] Yesterday we talked broadly about retiring Baby Boomers and the big picture outlook for Oregon employment. Today we will focus on the number of retirees based on our office’s economic and demographic forecasts. […]

  4. […] Yesterday we talked broadly about retiring Baby Boomers and the big picture outlook for Oregon employment. Today we will focus on the number of retirees based on our office’s economic and demographic forecasts. […]

  5. […] is a big number. Given our office has a relatively slow job growth forecast that far out — due to demographics and a sustainable rate of growth — that difference is effectively equal to two years’ worth of job gains. If the […]

  6. […] Lastly what this means is that job growth is expected to slow moving forward. Oregon only needs 2-3,000 jobs per month to keep pace with population growth. Our office expects the state to transition down to this more sustainable rate of growth in the near future. And yes, there will be enough jobs. […]

  7. […] worker simply replaces the retiree, resulting in no job growth. A year ago, our office explored these issues a bit more in depth. The upshot is there should be enough jobs in the future, but the topline, net […]

  8. […] worker simply replaces the retiree, resulting in no job growth. A year ago, our office explored these issues a bit more in […]

  9. […] which are structural. While we’ve known about the demographic imbalances for decades, and our office has built in slower net growth moving forward for quite some time, we’re finally at the point where the crunch is truly […]

  10. […] Bottom Line: Retirements will remain at high levels for the coming decade. The demographic crunch is here to stay for the foreseeable future. This puts pressure on the labor market in terms of businesses looking to hire and expand. It also opens up opportunities for younger workers to step into leadership positions. The generational churn in the labor market will mask job opportunities as net growth rates will be lower then in the past. For every retiring worker, a firm has to hire 2 workers to see positive job growth. The first worker simply replaces the retiree, representing no net growth. In the coming years, our office’s baseline employment outlook calls for <1% annual gains, with jobs increasing by 10-20,000 per year. Given retirements, the actual number of job openings for Millennials, Post-Millennials, Gen Z, or whatever we end up calling today’s youth, will be at 2-3 times as large. There will be enough jobs. […]

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